- Apache Kafka, Setup and Operation; Confluent Connectors for database connection
- Mairadb database, operations and programming
- Freeradius high availability Setup, module development for Kafka connectivity
- Design and setup of Red Hat and Ubuntu Linux and Oracle Solaris server
- Datacenter migration
- Virtualisation of UNIX servers on basis of Linux KVM and Solaris Container
- Harddisk mirror, striping via Solaris LVM (known as SDS), Veritas Volume Manager and Linux LVM, MD
- Analysis and performance tuning of Red Hat Linux and Solaris server
- Analysis and correction of network problems involving routing, name services und network interfaces
- Analysis and troubleshooting of netzwork services like NFS, TCP/IP, DNS and NIS+
- Upgrade of Linux and Solaris server to higher OS releases
- Design and implementation of high availability solutions via Solaris Cluster and Veritas Cluster
- Integration of applications to high available environments
- Creation of Solaris and RPM software pakages for automated installation via Jumpstart and satelite server